In the movie "The Usual Suspects"
- Intimidating people
- Being loud or boisterous
- Manipulating people or situations
- Bullying people
- Flattering people, then dropping them down 15 flights of stairs
- Doing one upmanship - whatever you have done or experienced, they tell you a story which dwarfs your "true story"
- Always talking about past accomplishments, but have no recent home runs
- Consistently being self aggrandizing
- Perform "grand standing" actions which make them the center of attraction
- Taking credit for "a job well done" which is accomplished by others on the team
- Belittling or heckling others
- Dominating conversations
- Deflect responsibility for not accomplishing goals by putting the spotlight on others
- Spread untruths about people by whispering in the ear of whoever will listen
- Appear confident at meetings, but their eyes and body language display lack of confidence
- Body language posture holds head down and looks down when walking
- Get other people to do their work or down play the work of others
- Possess belief they can and will succeed, despite what others may say
- Use small wins to develop more confidence
- Project confidence by encouraging others to believe in themselves
- Display genuine sincerity in congratulation other people on any small achievement or personal progress
- Do not allow other people to yell or bully them
- Communicate effectively with people to establish goals, team work and espirit de corps to achieve a common objective
- Being assertive with people, when something makes them uncomfortable
- Encourage and support people
- Engage people in conversation with a true interest in what they have to say - ask questions and let them talk
- Give credit to people on the team
- Always place the spotlight on others
- Take a little credit for projects, but give other team members much more credit
- Take full responsibility for actions
- Don't blame others for your shortcomings
- Look people straight in the eye
- Say what you mean and mean what you say - then deliver it
- Always walk with head high, looking straight ahead in walking anywhere
- Understand that charisma comes from confidence and body language upon first entering a room, not anything that is said
- Always work on the next home run and down play previous wins
- Love and encourage the confidence fakers
Copyright (c) 2006 Savvy Intrapreneur & C. E. Reid
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