Our partners over at iTechSpeak published resources and videos for online business simulation games, with their article "Move Over Monopoly: Business Simulation Games Povide Real Life Skills for Children, Tweens, Young and Mature Adults". If you're short on time, a few quick videos you can watch with your children to get them started.
The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) has put together an excellent listing of resources for children and teenage entrepreneurs.
Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs (ACE)
ACE is an international organization that enables students to operate small business ventures and interact with other aspiring entrepreneurs.
Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization (CEO)
The Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization encourages college students to seek opportunity through enterprise creation. It also offers excellent networking and information resources, including three annual conferences.
Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education
Site provides information on small business design & management, micro-enterprise, home-based business, self employment and just plain business start up.
DECA/Delta Epsilon Chi is an international association of high school and college students studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality, marketing sales and service.
Energizing Young Entrepreneurs
A project of the RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship, the site provides resources for young entrepreneurs, particularly those living in rural communities. It also conducts a talent search and seeks to highlight successful young, rural business owners.
Entrepreneur U
Sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, this site provides information and resources for teachers and students that emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship. It also provides a comprehensive listing of scholarships.
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
The Kauffman Foundation has resources and programs for youth and collegiate level entrepreneurs. It also has an Entrepreneurship Internship Program (KEIP), which immerses students in the day-to-day reality of starting and managing a business.
Future Business Leaders of America
Future Business Leaders of America—Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) educational association of students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields.
Gen-X Idea Café
Idea Café caters to the business needs of Generation-X entrepreneurs with information and advice to feed both mind and business. The site also includes inspirational stories of successful young entrepreneurs.
Global Student Entrepreneur Awards
Presented by Mercedes-Benz, the GSEA Program awards $100,000 in cash, business products and services to student entrepreneurs and is a great opportunity to obtain start-up funding.
Inc.’s Young Entrepreneur’s Survival Kit
Inc. has collected profiles of business owners who started their businesses while students, along with resources related to building a business, links to academic programs and ideas on networking with peers.
Independent Means Inc.
A provider of products and services for youth financial independence, this site offers know-how on starting a business as well as making, saving, giving and growing money. Site also holds an annual business plan competition with $1,000 cash prize.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The IRS has an online workshop for young people to help them understand the why and how of meeting their tax obligations. They also provide free products for small businesses and self-employed persons.
JA Titan 3.0
A fun and interactive game in which visitors can test their skills running a business in this ultimate business simulation. Players are CEO’s who must run a manufacturing company and master six key business decisions.
Junior Achievement (JA)
Junior Achievement seeks to educate and inspire young people to value free enterprise, business and economics in order to better prepare students for their future.
The Kidpreneurs Konference is committed to developing the entrepreneurial potential of tomorrow’s business leaders. Targeted to children ages four through 18, it gives youngsters a step-by-step approach to business management.
McKelvey Foundation
The McKelvey Foundation awards a total of $40,000 in scholarships annually for young entrepreneurs to attend any four-year college within the United States.
Mind Petals: Young Entrepreneur Network
Mind Petals is a young entrepreneur's blog and networking site that produces informative and inspiring content. This entrepreneurial-focused community seeks to instill ambition, motivation and alternate ways of thinking.
Mind Your Own Business
Sponsored by the SBA and Junior Achievement, this site is designed to support interest in entrepreneurship among teens. It serves as a small business portal for young entrepreneurs by providing essential resources and information.
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
The NCIIA is an alliance of faculty and students working to advance invention and innovation in higher education. Its mission is to nurture a new generation of innovators by promoting curricula to teach creativity, invention and entrepreneurship.
National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)
NFTE's mission is to teach entrepreneurship to low-income young people, ages 11-18, so they can become economically productive members of society by improving their academic, business, technology and life skills.
Prudential Young Entrepreneurs Program
PYEP is an entrepreneurial development and job creation strategy for entrepreneurs, ages 18-30 years old who reside in Newark, NJ and Philadelphia, PA.
SBA’s Teen Business
This site offers information on starting a business--from brainstorming and evaluating the feasibility of your idea to developing a business plan and making sound financial decisions. It also includes interactive games and motivational success stories.
SBA’s Young Entrepreneurs
A comprehensive list of SBA sponsored online resources for young entrepreneurs. Information is available for young children up to young adults.
Starve Ups
A non-profit entrepreneurial support organization that is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs create and sustain successful businesses. The organization sponsors business and networking events and also provides resources and a job listing.
Streaming Futures
This site allows teens to interact with career professionals through live, monthly interactive webcasts. Its goal is for teenagers to get extensive insight into careers by watching interviews of real industry leaders performing their duties.
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
SIFE is a collegiate, free enterprise organization for students in 20 countries. The organization focuses on five key areas: market economics, success skills, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and business ethics.
Teen Entrepreneur
An online division of Entrepreneur magazine, Teen Entrepreneur provides a wealth of information, advice, motivation, tools and other resources for young people who are serious about entrepreneurship.
The Mint: Be Your Own Boss
This site provides middle and high school students with helpful advice, interactive quizzes and fun resources related to money management. There is also information specifically for parents and teachers.
Top Ten Small Business Owners Under 16
An inspiring article by LegalZoom highlighting the successes of young entrepreneurs.
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) Foundation
USHCC offers a Regional Youth Entrepreneurship “BizFest” for students 17-25 and also provides scholarships and internship opportunities. Online videos from the “Bizfest” can be viewed from the foundation Web site.
Young America’s Business Trust
A young startup initiative, YABT combines the energy of young people to unleash the entrepreneurial potential of youth. The site also sponsors the Young Entrepreneurs Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas.
Geared towards teens, the mission of YoungBiz is to empower youth with entrepreneurial, business and financial skills through innovative education and real-world experience.
Young Entrepreneur Foundation
Created by the National Federation of Independent Business, YEF’s mission is to educate young people about the critical role of small business and to help students interested in business and entrepreneurship further their education.
Young Entrepreneur's Survival Kit
An online resource center for young entrepreneurs provided by Inc. magazine. This section contains expert columns and advice from successful young business owners.
Your Success Network
The goal of the Your Success Network is to continuously build and maintain a global community of young business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, providing a forum where they can share dreams, goals, experiences and resources.
Youth Venture
Youth Venture empowers young people to create and launch their own enterprises. This site provides information on getting started and examples of successful projects across the country.
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