Ever notice how crabs in a barrel pull, step, lean, push and rest on each other to get to the top opening? Hiding under the blanket of caring about you, does it ever feel like some family, friends and associates do the same thing to you? According these people, no matter what you do, it's never good enough or you're always wrong with the outcome you wish to achieve. Crabs in a barrel advice can hold you back and stymies personal growth.
Mentally keep a distance between yourself and anyone who provides so called advice, which constantly makes you question your self worth. This keeps your mind clear to receive positive counsel from mentors and advisors. Associate with people who truly encourage and guide to help advance your goals.
- How can a person making less than $50,000 give advice on making $100,000 or more?
- How can someone out of work for a time give advice on how to perform a successful job search?
- How can a coworker who blindly accepts scheduled company raises give advice on asking for a raise?
- How can a team member who does not speak up at meetings give advice on presenting new ideas or solutions at a project status meeting?
- How can someone in an abusive or unhappy relationship give relationship advice?
- How can someone who only had a job all their life give advice on starting a business?
- How does a boss who communicates ineffectively give advice on effective communication?
- How can a business owner with a negative attitude give advice on growing a successful business?
- How can friends still hanging out on the street corner give advice on how to get ahead in life?
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