The American Dream is no longer attained by the old formula; four-year degree + good company + 20-30 years longevity = successful career progression.
Let's face it. You aren't down, because you're out of a job. You're down, because your income has stopped abruptly. Not being able to pay bills and take care of a family is what brings us down. If we start running ourselves like a business, the business of ME,Inc., we'll always be up and in control of the job roller coaster. Savvy Intrapreneurs clearly succeed with the same business owner mind set.
As an employee, the company you work for is a client. With that said, review the comparison below to start profitably running the company of ME, Inc. You are now at the controls of the job roller coaster.
Business Owner
1.Write a 5-year business plan. Review every 3 months and make adjustments. Business plan is a report card. It shows where you are now, where you're going and how you achieve profitable results. It is a proactive document.
ME, Inc.1.Meet with boss to write a development plan. Include evaluation tasks. Review every 3 months. Get feedback from boss to make adjustments. Waiting until your 6month or yearly evaluation for feedback is career suicide.
Business Owner
2. Marketing with ads, brochures, and business cards for product branding. Following up after the sale is marketing. Sending thank you or special occasion cards to clients is a great marketing tool for customer relationship management (CRM). The goal of all marketing activities is to creatively keep your name in front of people and always say "thank you" and "please".
Send clients article clippings on topics that interest them.
ME, Inc.
2. Market yourself with your attire, posture, communication and interpersonal skills. Something simple as sending an email is marketing. Make sure your email signature reflects your image. Remember to copy even peripheral people on emails, as you progress on a project. Keep your name in front of people and always say "thank you" and "please". Building rapport with people is marketing.
Business Owner
3. Selling includes all activities involved in winning the confidence of potential and current clients by creating win-win solutions for clients and your company. Be in the business of serving clients, not making money. The money will always follow and so will referrals, which increases sales.
ME, Inc.
3. Selling occurs all the time at a job. Making a presentation to people on a strategy or solution, quality assignment completion, interaction with co-workers is all selling scenarios. When you become the "Go to" person on your team, then people are sold on you and your skills. Mission accomplished.
Business Owner
4. Seek Advice from others; Board of directors, lawyer, accountant, mentors and business associates outside organization. Associate with other successful business owners. Partner with vendors to solicit advice from them. Talk to CEOs of companies and ask them what makes their company profitable.
ME, Inc.
4. Associate with like-minded people who can help you develop your career. Find a couple of mentors. To increase your salary, associate with people who make more than you. Ask them how they became successful. Score some browning points with your boss, by asking them how they achieved their promotion.
Business Owner
5. Networking. Get involved in organizations and events that allow for meeting new people. ALWAYS carry and give out business cards. Read article below.
ME, Inc.
5. Networking. ALWAYS carry business cards. You never know who you will meet, who may help you in advancing your career.
Business Owner
6. Diversify profit centers with multiple clients. Cross-sell products or services. 20/80 rule says 80% of profits come from 20% of current client base. The rest comes from new clients. Once you sold to a client once, it's easier to introduce a new product. Get referrals from satisfied customers. They're your best sales people.
ME, Inc.
6. Diversify income to at least equal take home pay. This is the control switch for the job roller coaster. Have more than one client, other than your employer. Use your current skills to pick up a few additional clients or start a part time business. What would you do right now, if your one and only client stopped using your services? It's not a problem if your income is diversified.
Business Owner
7. Have a business contingency back up plan, which includes having 90-120 days of operating capital.ME, Inc.
7. Have a career back up plan.
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